5+ Fresh Jackfruit Seeds-FrutaJack-Langka-60 day guarantee-to grow-Free Shipping

Naturally growth home garden  jack trees without using chemical fertilizing

Grow Tropical Fruits at Home

 about jackfruit trees - This well behaved stately tree reaching skyward can achieve heights of 30 to 70 feet at maturity. The canopy is comprised of rich green, glossy, leather like leaves that can grow to 9 inches in length. Flowering occurs on short twigs that emerge from the trunk and large branches. The largest of all tree-borne fruits, jackfruit may grow up to 3 feet long and as large as 20 inches wide with scaled weights anywhere from 10 to 110 pounds! Jackfruit rind is yellow when ripe and is covered in numerous cone-like points. Upon ripening, unopened jackfruit emits a strong odor, while the inner pulp smells of banana and pineapples.

 location -  Jackfruit Trees can be grown in all 50 states simply by bringing indoors before temps drop below 40 degrees and providing lots of light. Most tropical fruit trees like Jackfruit Trees are very fast growing and easier to maintain than domestic fruit trees. Below are a few brief tips for successful growth both indoors and out.

 planting in ground - Jackfruit Trees are fast growing and require space to stretch out, so plant your rows on 18 foot centers or for individual trees choose a location at least 10 feet from other trees or shrubs.

 planting in pot - Jackfruit Trees grow very well in containers as long as you provide an adequate size pot for root development. Select a pot 18-24 plus inches in diameter and 20 plus inches in height, with adequate drain holes. Glazed pots require far less watering than raw terracotta pots due to their porous nature.

 soil - A well draining soil is of primary importance as Jackfruit Trees roots do not like to be wet and will rot if allowed to sit in water for extended periods. A mixture of soil, sand and perlite is highly recommended for proper drainage.

 indoor light - A bright and sunny solarium or window location with a more southern exposure is best for growth and fruit production. Many customers have reported harvesting fruit from trees that live in home and patio environments.

 outdoor light - Jackfruit Trees prefer bright light and direct sun. If possible 12 hours of bright sun light is best for growth and fruit production though we have gotten remarkable results growing these trees in 30% shade year round.

 water - When watering Jackfruit Trees make sure to lightly soak the soil and then do not water again until the top 2 inches are dry. Depending on light conditions, location and foliage watering may be required weekly or daily. Be sure to not over water,  mucky soil will almost always cause decay and ultimately kill the tree.

 fertilizer - It is recommended that you fertilize at the same time as you water using a time released fertilizer 8-3-9 or similar to help your Jackfruit Trees grow and produce a substantial crop. These trees are moderate feeders and may require multiple feeding during the growing season. It is important to follow the fertilizers labeled instructions as to not burn or kill the tree


9 Best Benefits Of Jackfruit Seeds

This yummy tasting fruit’s seeds can actually help you get yummy-looking skin. Here are the benefits that jackfruit seeds offer to your skin:

1. Fights wrinkles:

Take a seed of jackfruit and keep it dipped in cold milk for a while. Grind it well and apply softly on your wrinkles. It is believed to work on wrinkles in just about four-five weeks time. Apply regularly for best results.

2. Helps get a glowing complexion:

Jackfruit seeds can be consumed directly. It helps prevent constipation as it is high on fiber content. This in turn helps clear constipation. A detoxified system is the first and foremost thing for a glowing complexion.

3. Flawless skin:

Jackfruit seed is used to get a flawless skin. You just need to soak the dry seed with some milk and honey and grind it into a fine paste. Now apply this paste on your face evenly and let it dry completely. Wash it off to get a flawless skin within minutes.

4. High in protein:

Jackfruit seeds are high in protein. You can consume the seeds by adding them to different dishes that you cook. It can replace lentils in your daily diet.

5. Anti-cancer nutrients:

Jackfruit seeds have a lot of phytonutrients that help fight cancer.

6. Comfort from indigestion:

The powdered jackfruit seeds can help get instant relief from indigestion. You may sun-dry jackfruit seeds and then grind it to get powder or use the one available in the market.

7. Promotes hair growth:

Jackfruit seeds promote healthy blood circulation. Now proper blood circulation is extremely important for good hair growth. Hence it promotes hair growth.

8. Vitamin A:

Jackfruit seeds are high on vitamin A, which is the one of the most important vitamins for hair health as it prevents dry and brittle hair.

9. Healthy digestion:

Once again, healthy digestion is important for good hair. If your digestive system has a problem, it may affect your liver which in turn may give rise to hair fall. Jackfruit and its seeds promote healthy digestion and hence keep your liver and your hair fall under check.

One portion of 100g of edible fresh jackfruit seeds has approximately 98 calories, 0.4 g of fat, 6.6 g of protein, 38.4 g of carbohydrates and 1.5 g of fiber. The seeds contain 51.6 to 57.77 g of moisture per 100 g serving.

Jackfruit Seeds: Other Nutrients

One 100g serving of jackfruit seeds contains 1.25 to 1.5 g of ash, 0.05 to 0.55 mg of calcium, 0.13 to 0.23 mg of phsphorus, 0.002 to 1.2 mg of iron, 2 mg of sodium, 407 g of potassium, 540 international units of vitamin A, 0.03 mg of thiamine, 4 mg of niacin, and 8 to 10 mg of ascorbic acid, also known as vitamin C. According to Purdue University, the fresh seeds are considered to be a high starch, low calcium and iron food but a good source of both vitamin B1 and vitamin B12.s




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