Experience the Pure Majesty of the Philodendron White Knight - A True King Among Houseplants

(Please note that there are two options differing only in quantity, one type includes 5 plants, and the other includes 10 plants)
(The first three images depict the plant at maturity. the plant you will receive is a young specimen potted in a sealed container, as shown in the remaining photos !!!)

Fast shipping from US!

Discover the swiftness of our delivery service! You won't be waiting long for your tissue culture - it will arrive at your doorstep in just 2-3 business days. Our state-of-the-art packaging ensures that your precious plants will remain unharmed during transport. With prompt preparation and shipping, you can trust that your order will be in your hands in no time.


Acclimating your tissue culture

Are you ready to unlock the secrets of nurturing a rare plant from tissue culture? We've got you covered with our expert acclimation guide!

First, gently extract the tissue cultures from the glass bottle using tweezers. Next, rinse off the agar and remove any blackened roots or yellowing leaves to ensure optimal growth conditions.

Our top tip? Disinfect your tissue cultures with a few drops of Neem oil and Castile soap mixed with water. Then, prepare a bowl of distilled water with a few drops of rooting hormone and soak your tissue cultures for five minutes. This will help promote root growth and increase your plant's chances of thriving.

Next, it's time to plant your tissue cultures in a 50/50 mix of perlite and coco coir. Slightly moisten the mixture, but be careful not to soak it. Cover your plant to preserve 90%+ humidity and acclimate it for 2-4 weeks with LED lighting for 12-18 hours a day.

Nurturing a rare plant from tissue culture is both rewarding and cost-effective, and with our expert care and awareness, your unique plant will thrive. So why wait? Get started today and unlock the secrets to successful tissue culture acclimation!


Winter Weather

Winter's harsh weather can be a test for delicate plants, and we understand that you want to make sure your order arrives in optimal condition. In the winter months, we will wait for a safe and suitable time to ship your plants, which may increase the processing time slightly. However, we have heat packs available for purchase for just $5 to ensure that your plants stay cozy and comfortable during their journey to your home. Rest assured that we take every measure to protect your precious plants from harsh weather conditions.


Caution! Refunds and Cancellations Policy

Dear plant lover, we understand that you're eager to add a rare beauty to your collection. Therefore, it's essential that you inspect your tissue culture immediately upon delivery. If there are any issues, please reach out to us the same day with photos in the original packaging. This way, we can process a replacement and make sure you receive the unique plant you deserve.

We are committed to ensuring customer satisfaction and doing our best to deliver your order as requested. Once your order has been processed, unfortunately, we cannot accept any returns or cancellations. If you have any concerns or questions, please don't hesitate to contact us as soon as possible, and we'll do our best to assist you.

Remember, rare plants are exceptional, and their journey to you is unique, just like you. Trust us to handle them with care so that they can arrive safely and thrive in their new home.


Don't hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns, and we'll be happy to help!