(Prunus americana)

The American Plum is a Small, Fast Growing, Colony Forming Native Fruit Tree that is Commonly Found along Fencerows, Open Fields, and Roadsides, and a Great Addition to Any Landscaping with Abundant Gorgeous White Flowers. Cold Hardy to Zone 3, and Grows up to 15-25 Feet Tall & Appx. 15 to 25 Feet Wide. Grows Best in Full Sun to Partial Shade, and Tolerates a Wide Range of Soil from Sandy to Poorly Drained Soils.
Plum Germination:
1) Soak seeds for 24 hours in warm water.
2) Cold stratify seeds for 120 days. (Place seeds inside of a zip lock bag filled with moist vermiculite or peat moss. Periodically check to ensure they don't dry out. Mist them with a spray bottle when necessary, but never wet, just moist.)
3) Use a well mixed and well draining seed starting mix and plant seeds 1/2 inch deep.
4) Use a heated propagator mat to keep soil temperature around 85 degrees F during the day. Turn off heated propagator at night letting temps drop to appx. 68 degrees. Giving alternating temperatures mimics their natural conditions and will greatly improve germination time.
5) Use a grow lamp to provide bright light. Keep moist and expect germination to occur within 2-3 weeks.