Curry leaves are popularly known as “Karapincha” in Sri Lanka, is a magical herb, which can instantly accentuate the taste and aroma of any dish. Since ages, this magical herb has been widely used in various Sri Lankan dishes as well as Indian dishes for it’s enchanting aroma and the burst of flavors it adds to the dish.

Our product is 100% natural organic and dried (dehydrated) in a way to keep the color and the properties of the curry leaves.

Curry Leaves Health Benefits

Curry leaves are extremely popular in various culinary recipes in Sri Lanka and act in flavor and aroma to vegetables and curries. Crash curry leaves are shiny and dark green in color and have a distinctive aroma and taste to it. Curry leaves recipe involves the use of fresh curry as well as powdered curry leaves to enhance the flavor of salads, chutneys and spices. The health benefits of curry leaves include improved functioning of the small intestine and stomach, improved quality of digestive juices during digestion, and increased salivary secretion. Most Sri Lankan dishes are devoid without the addition of curry leaves and hence any form of curry substitute in its place does not match the real thing. Sri Lankans usually require fresh curry leaves in their diet. The curry leaf plant belongs to the Rutaceae family and grows to anything between 2 to 5 meters in height, depending on a number of factors. The leaves of the curry plant are small and pointed and usually grow in clusters. The leaves have a strong aroma, reminding one of anise and citrus.

Curry Leaves Helps in Lowers Cholesterol Level:

  • Curry leaves have properties that help to lower one’s blood cholesterol levels. These shrubs, packed with antioxidants prevent cholesterol oxidation that produces LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol). This raises the amount of good cholesterol (HDL) and protects from atherosclerosis and heart disease.

Curry Leaves Boosts Digestion:

  • One of the advantages of curry leaves since days of yore is that it helps digestion. It is thought that kadi patta has mild laxative properties in Ayurveda that help the stomach get rid of unnecessary waste.

Curry Leaves for Liver:

  • Curry leaf research suggested that there were strong hepato-protective properties of the tannins and carbazole alkaloids present in the leaves. Also, when combined with vitamin A and vitamin C, its highly powerful anti-oxidative property not only prevent but also activates the organ to function more effectively.

Curry Leaves Hastens hair growth:

  • In treating damaged hair, curry leaves are very successful, adding bounce to limp hair, reinforcing the thin hair shaft, and falling hair. Other than that, the leaf extract has demonstrated antifungal activity against fungal scalp infection of Malassezia furfur, which is why it can be used to treat dandruff.