First produced in 2006 and new version has distributed to the public in 2019. 
Size: 72x150mm
SecurityThe portrait of Genghis Khan shines brightly when viewed with special light.
The numbers Soyombo and 20000 appear in the hologram.
The background of the mat, especially the face value of 20,000, is embossed to make it visible to the hand.
The word "MONGOLBANK" is written very small along the vertical horizontal edge of the lower left side of the mat.
When held against the light, the portrait of Chinggis Khan and the letters "MB", which stands for "MONGOLBANK" stand out in watermarks.
From the slope, the image of the four horsemen and the background color can be seen in four areas.
The words "MONGOLBANK" and Soyombo appear alternately on a three mm wide broken metal wire.