


Each delicious wet cat food recipe is made with 100% high quality ingredients and is formulated to provide 100% of your 1+ cat's daily needs. Cat food pouches with high quality protein to support strong muscles. Adult cat food formulated with Vitamin C to help support natural defences. Cat food containing zinc, essential for a healthy skin & coat. We are committed to reducing our environmental impact. 85% of our factories in Europe use renewable electricity and we are working to move to 100% by 2025.


With Chicken Meat and Animal Derivatives (35%, including 4% Chicken in the Chunk*), Cereals, Minerals, Derivatives of Vegetable Origin , Various Sugars, *Chunk typically 40% of product With Duck Meat and Animal Derivatives (35%, including 4% Duck in the Chunk*), Cereals, Minerals, Derivatives of Vegetable Origin, Various Sugars, *Chunk typically 40% of product With Poultry Meat and Animal Derivatives (35%, including 4% Poultry in the Chunk*), Cereals, Minerals, Derivatives of Vegetable Origin, Various Sugars, *Chunk typically 40% of product With Turkey Meat and Animal Derivatives (35%, including 4% Turkey in the Chunk*), Cereals, Minerals, Derivatives of Vegetable Origin, Various Sugars, *Chunk typically 40% of product

Cat lovers know that purring is the best sound you can hear. This delicious wet cat food recipe makes millions of cats around the world rush to their bowls with purring excitement and lickingly-good satisfaction. Prepared with love and care, cat food pouches are nutritionally balanced to ensure your cat has everything they need to keep them purring.

Whiskas 1+ Poultry Feasts adult cat food pouches in jelly are specially prepared to preserve the natural goodness and deliciousness of high quality ingredients and will see your cat rush to the bowl faster than ever before!  Made with sustainably sourced ingredients, these cat food pouches contain everything your cat needs to keep them happy and healthy.


With Chicken Analytical constituents (%):: Protein:: 7.8, Fat content:: 4.0, Inorganic matter:: 1.6, Crude fibre:: 0.25, Moisture:: 84.5, Additives per kg:, Nutritional additives:, Vitamin C:: 702 mg, Vitamin D₃:: 200 IU, Taurine:: 620 mg, Copper (Copper(II) sulphate pentahydrate):: 1.2 mg, Iodine (Calcium iodate, anhydrous):: 0.22 mg, Iron (Iron(II) sulphate monohydrate):: 11.2 mg, Manganese (Manganous sulphate, monohydrate):: 2.2 mg, Zinc (Zinc sulphate, monohydrate):: 16.2 mg, Technological additives:, Cassia gum:: 2148 mg, Sensory additives:, Flavourings With Duck Analytical constituents (%):: Protein:: 7.8, Fat content:: 4.0, Inorganic matter:: 1.6, Crude fibre:: 0.25, Moisture:: 84.5, Additives per kg:, Nutritional additives:, Vitamin C:: 702 mg, Vitamin D₃:: 200 IU, Taurine:: 620 mg, Copper (Copper(II) sulphate pentahydrate):: 1.2 mg, Iodine (Calcium iodate, anhydrous):: 0.22 mg, Iron (Iron(II) sulphate monohydrate):: 11.2 mg, Manganese (Manganous sulphate, monohydrate):: 2.2 mg, Zinc (Zinc sulphate, monohydrate):: 16.2 mg, Technological additives:, Cassia gum:: 2148 mg, Sensory additives:, Flavourings With Poultry Analytical constituents (%):: Protein:: 7.8, Fat content:: 4.0, Inorganic matter:: 1.6, Crude fibre:: 0.25, Moisture:: 84.5, Additives per kg:, Nutritional additives:, Vitamin C:: 702 mg, Vitamin D₃:: 200 IU, Taurine:: 620 mg, Copper (Copper(II) sulphate pentahydrate):: 1.2 mg, Iodine (Calcium iodate, anhydrous):: 0.22 mg, Iron (Iron(II) sulphate monohydrate):: 11.2 mg, Manganese (Manganous sulphate, monohydrate):: 2.2 mg, Zinc (Zinc sulphate, monohydrate):: 16.2 mg, Technological additives:, Cassia gum:: 2148 mg, Sensory additives:, Flavourings With Turkey Analytical constituents (%):: Protein:: 7.8, Fat content:: 4.0, Inorganic matter:: 1.6, Crude fibre:: 0.25, Moisture:: 84.5, Additives per kg:, Nutritional additives:, Vitamin C:: 702 mg, Vitamin D₃:: 200 IU, Taurine:: 620 mg, Copper (Copper(II) sulphate pentahydrate):: 1.2 mg, Iodine (Calcium iodate, anhydrous):: 0.22 mg, Iron (Iron(II) sulphate monohydrate):: 11.2 mg, Manganese (Manganous sulphate, monohydrate):: 2.2 mg, Zinc (Zinc sulphate, monohydrate):: 16.2 mg, Technological additives:, Cassia gum:: 2148 mg, Sensory additives:, Flavourings

Preparation and Usage

Daily Feeding Recommendation Feeding instructions: Account for the calories coming from treats. Feeding amounts are intended as guidelines only. Adjust the amount of food according to the age, size and activity level of your cat. Divide into portions for feeding throughout the day. For more detailed information, please visit our website. Fresh water should always be available. Serve at room temperature, surplus food can be chilled for up to 2 days. 3 kg: 3 - 3 1/2, 4 kg: 3 1/2 - 4, 5 kg: 4 - 4 1/2 62 kcal/85 g 1x can be replaced by 16 g Whiskas® dry food.

Box Contents

With Chicken With Duck With Poultry With Turkey