
SOLD AS 3 CASES (120 x 100g Total)

•    100% Complete and delicious wet dog food for adult dogs
•    Wet dog food pouches in easy-to-open pouches, perfect for a fresh healthy meal, on its own or on top of dry dog food
•    Nutrition for dogs that helps support healthy bones, good digestion, a healthy skin & coat and strong natural defenses
•    Dog food developed with our vets and nutritionists at Waltham Pet Nutrition Centre
•    This wet dog food in jelly contains no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives

Developed with the help of vets and nutritionists at Waltham Pet Nutrition Centre, Pedigree dog food pouches have all the essential nutrients to support optimal digestion, a healthy skin and coat, strong natural defenses and healthy bones. 
100% complete and balanced, Pedigree wet dog food is not only nutritious but also makes for highly enjoyable everyday dog pouch meals that will bring out their infectious enthusiasm. In its easy-to-open Pouch format, this wet food for dogs is perfect for a fresh healthy meal you can serve in one go. 
•    120 x 100g Pedigree wet dog food pouches in gravy with chicken & vegetables, beef & vegetables, turkey & carrots and beef & lamb for adult dogs with no artificial colorants, flavours or preservatives. 
•    Wet dog food pouches in easy-to-open pouches, perfect for a fresh healthy meal, on its own or on top of dry dog food 
•    Nutrition for dogs that helps support healthy bones, good digestion, a healthy skin & coat and strong natural defenses 
•    Dog food developed with our vets and nutritionists at Waltham Pet Nutrition Centre 
•    This wet dog food in gravy contains no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives

At Pedigree, we believe that dogs are good for us. Every day, their wonderful innocence brings out the good in us. The Pedigree complete range of tasty and wholesome dog food and rewarding dog treats delivers everything that is essential to support and fuel all dogs exuberant love of life. So that day after day, dog owners can feed the good in their dogs. Pedigree delicious dog treats, chews, hearty main meals & complete dry dog food for all dogs.


Chicken Meat and Animal Derivatives (35%, Natural^ 93%; including Chicken 14% and Pork Liver 9% in the Chunk**) , Cereals, Vegetables (including Dried Carrot and Pea Mix 0.8%, equivalent to Carrot and Pea Mix 4%), Vegetable Protein Extracts, Derivatives of Vegetable Origin^ (including Dried Beet Pulp 0.8%), Oils and Fats, Minerals (0.6%), ^Natural ingredients, **Chunk typically 45% of the product 

Beef and Liver Mix Meat and Animal Derivatives (35%, Natural^ 93%; including a Mix of Beef 6% and Pork Liver 9% in the Chunk**), Cereals, Vegetables (including Dried Carrot and Pea Mix 0.8%, equivalent to Carrot and Pea Mix 4%), Vegetable Protein Extracts, Derivatives of Vegetable Origin^ (including Dried Beet Pulp 0.8%), Oils and Fats, Minerals (0.6%), ^Natural ingredients, **Chunk typically 45% of the product 

Turkey Meat and Animal Derivatives (35%, Natural^ 93%; including Turkey 14% and Pork Liver 9% in the Chunk**), Cereals, Vegetables (including Dried Carrots 0.6% equivalent to Carrots 4%), Vegetable Protein Extracts, Derivatives of Vegetable Origin^ (including Dried Beet Pulp 0.8%), Oils and Fats, Minerals (0.6%), ^Natural ingredients, **Chunk typically 45% of the product 

Beef and Lamb Mix Meat and Animal Derivatives (35%, Natural^ 93%; including a Mix of Beef 7% and Lamb 7% and Pork Liver 9% in the Chunk**), Cereals, Vegetables (including Dried Carrots 0.6%, equivalent to Carrots 4%), Vegetable Protein Extracts, Derivatives of Vegetable Origin^ (including Dried Beet Pulp 0.8%), Oils and Fats, Minerals (0.6%), ^Natural ingredients, **Chunk typically 45% of the product


Chicken Analytical constituents (%):: Protein:: 7.5, Fat content:: 5.2, Inorganic matter:: 1.8, Crude fibre:: 0.40, Moisture:: 82.0, Additives per kg:, Nutritional additives:, Vitamin D3:: 200 IU, Vitamin E:: 60.0 mg, Copper (Copper(II) sulphate pentahydrate):: 1.7 mg, Iodine (Calcium iodate, anhydrous):: 0.28 mg, Iron (Iron(II) sulphate monohydrate):: 3.6 mg, Manganese (Manganous sulphate, monohydrate):: 2.2 mg, Zinc (Zinc sulphate, monohydrate):: 22.7 mg 

Beef and Liver Mix Analytical constituents (%):: Protein:: 7.5, Fat content:: 5.2, Inorganic matter:: 1.8, Crude fibre:: 0.40, Moisture:: 82.0, Additives per kg:, Nutritional additives:, Vitamin D3:: 200 IU, Vitamin E:: 60.0 mg, Copper (Copper(II) sulphate pentahydrate):: 1.7 mg, Iodine (Calcium iodate, anhydrous):: 0.28 mg, Iron (Iron(II) sulphate monohydrate):: 3.6 mg, Manganese (Manganous sulphate, monohydrate):: 2.2 mg, Zinc (Zinc sulphate, monohydrate):: 22.7 mg 

Turkey Analytical constituents (%):: Protein:: 7.5, Fat content:: 5.2, Inorganic matter:: 1.8, Crude fibre:: 0.40, Moisture:: 82.0, Additives per kg:, Nutritional additives:, Vitamin D3:: 200 IU, Vitamin E:: 60.0 mg, Copper (Copper(II) sulphate pentahydrate):: 1.7 mg, Iodine (Calcium iodate, anhydrous):: 0.28 mg, Iron (Iron(II) sulphate monohydrate):: 3.6 mg, Manganese (Manganous sulphate, monohydrate):: 2.2 mg, Zinc (Zinc sulphate, monohydrate):: 22.7 mg

Beef and Lamb Mix Analytical constituents (%):: Protein:: 7.5, Fat content:: 5.2, Inorganic matter:: 1.8, Crude fibre:: 0.40, Moisture:: 82.0, Additives per kg:, Nutritional additives:, Vitamin D3:: 200 IU, Vitamin E:: 60.0 mg, Copper (Copper(II) sulphate pentahydrate):: 1.7 mg, Iodine (Calcium iodate, anhydrous):: 0.28 mg, Iron (Iron(II) sulphate monohydrate):: 3.6 mg, Manganese (Manganous sulphate, monohydrate):: 2.2 mg, Zinc (Zinc sulphate, monohydrate):: 22.7 mg

Preparation and Usage

24h Daily Recommendation Pouch Only: 5 kg: 3 1/2 - 4, 10 kg: 6 1/2 - 7, 20 kg: 10 1/2 - 11 1/2 Pouch + Dry Food: 5 kg: 2 + 40g, 10 kg: 3 + 75 g, 20 kg: 4 + 150 g 1 pouch can be replaced by 23 g Pedigree® dry food. 85 kcal/100 g Feeding instructions: Adjust the amount of food according to the age, size and activity level of your dog. Serve food at room temperature, surplus food can be chilled for up to 2 days. Fresh water should always be available. Perfect for a fresh meal on its own, or to be served as a tasty topper on dry food. Simply unzip the pouch and serve immediately.

Box Contents

30x Chicken 
30x Beef and Liver Mix 
30x Turkey 
30x Beef and Lamb Mix


Free From: Artificial Colours, Artificial Flavours, Artificial Preservatives