For adults and kids, as this new Scholar Owl and Balanced Wind Surfer will both excite your memories with playful movements atop your desk, spinning and surfing via your light tap.  To enjoy these Balance Mobiles as  your desktop kinetic collectibles for your Work Space.

Reviews from online from  madmomof2,,,,,Love this as earlier I ordered a similar, cheaper one of these and returned it. The base was plastic, this one is metal. It is taller and heavier. The balance is great.

And from Aaron,,,,,My cat loves it, he will sit here and play with it and watch it spin for a half hour as sometimes i spin it and my cat is across the room staring, then runs up and plays with it,,,,I just love the quality, and if you haven't tried one of these sterling engines, do yourself a favor and buy one


Lot of 2 incls,,,,,Brand New Balancing Steel, Kinetic Desk-Art incls,,,,,,One 4.5in wide x 5.5in tall Content Owl &,,,,,,One 5in tall x 3in wide Active Hood River Wind Surfer heh.