Geode NX 2001

In 2007, there was a Geode NX 2001 model on sale, which in fact was a relabelled Athlon XP 2200+ Thoroughbred. The processors, with part numbers AANXA2001FKC3G or ANXA2001FKC3D, their specifications are 1.8 GHz clock speed, and 1.65 volt core operating voltage. The power consumption is 62.8 Watt. There are no official references to this processor except officials explaining that the batch of CPUs were "being shipped to specific customers", though it is clear it is a desktop Athlon XP CPU core instead of the Mobile Athlon XP-M derived Thoroughbred cores of the other Geode NX CPUs, and thus doesn't feature embedded application specific thermal envelope, power consumption and power management features. This kind of "badge engineering" of a particular CPU to accommodate a request for a desktop class chip from an OEM which merely wants to maintain brand recognition and association with the GeodeNX CPUs in its products, but the actual end-product application doesn't necessitate the advanced power and thermal optimization of the GeodeNX CPU's, is understandable, as re-labeling a part in a product catalog, is practically free and the processors do share the same CPU socket (Socket A).