Osmo UV Protection Oil Extra is the perfect solution for protecting all your exterior timber surfaces, making it the go-to choice for a wide range of applications. Whether you're looking to enhance the beauty of your external doors, window frames, or timber cladding, or seeking to extend the lifespan of your carports, balconies, or summer houses, this product has got you covered. Specifically formulated to preserve the natural, untreated look of lighter timbers such as Oak, Pine, and Larch, Osmo UV Protection Oil Extra (Natural 429) ensures that your wood retains its original appearance while receiving maximum protection against UV rays and weathering. However, it's important to note that for dark exotic hardwoods, this particular variant might not be suitable as it may result in a 'milky' or 'white film' effect on the wood.

Additionally, the clear version of this product (Clear 420 Extra) acts as an excellent top coat for Osmo exterior coloured finishes like the Osmo Natural Oil Woodstain and Osmo Country Colour, allowing you to achieve a desired aesthetic while maintaining durability.

Before using the 5ml sample sachets, it is recommended to give them a good squeeze to ensure thorough mixing of the oil and pigments within, guaranteeing optimal performance when applied to your timber surfaces. With Osmo UV Protection Oil Extra, you can trust that your exterior wood will remain protected, durable, and visually appealing for years to come.