Tick Repellent

Tick repellent by Tick Proof™ is the world's strongest tick repellent. Our repellent spray is unbeatable, all-natural, made with five essential oils, and handcrafted in small batches in upstate New York. Protect your family, friends, children, and neighbors with our powerful all-natural tick repellent, the #1 defense against the threat of infectious disease-ridden ticks.

Using a tick repellent is not just about protecting from highly publicized tick-borne diseases like Lyme disease. The totality of all sicknesses and diseases transmittable by ticks is a terrifying threat. Tick Proof is a shield against over a dozen tick-borne diseases, including all the newest and scariest, such as Powassan virus, which has a 10 to 20 

percent mortality rate.

If a tick has not bitten you yet, consider yourself lucky. You do not feel the bite of a tick. Ticks secrete a unique substance when they attach, numbing the feel of the bite. This way, they may feed unnoticed. Using a repellent designed for ticks is a must, an essential safety procedure for anyone recreating outdoors. 

Skip the difficult task of tick removal and the long, expensive, and stressful process of disease diagnosis. Buy Tick Proof, shake well, and apply liberally. Tick Proof is the best tick repellent in the world.

Tick Proof protects against all the worst tick-borne diseases, including Lyme disease, babesiosis, heartland virus, anaplasmosis, Powassan virus, Alfa-gal allergy, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, tick paralysis, and Colorado tick fever. 

Tick Proof tick repellent will stop the bite of all of the worst ticks in America, the Eastern and Western black-legged tick ("deer tick"), Lone Star tick, Rocky Mountain wood tick, American dog tick, brown dog tick, Asian long-horned tick, and Pacific and Gulf Coast ticks.

This listing is for a brand new eight-ounce bottle of Tick Proof, direct from the source. Over 100 drops of essential oil per bottle, amber Boston round bottle and spray pump dispenser. A single bottle of Tick Proof can last a family of four an entire season or more. 

Remember, ticks are a year-round threat. Fall is one of the most dangerous times of the year to be outdoors without protection, the prime season to be bitten by a black-legged tick, the primary vector of Lyme disease.

Presume ticks to be active and biting at all times. They are only dormant when the temperature is below 32 degrees Fahrenheit and snow is on the ground.

Do not spray Tick Proof on cats, consult your veterinarian prior to use on dogs.

Tick Proof™ tick repellent spray ingredients:

Natural Spring Water, Proprietary Essential Oil 

Blend (Geranium, Virginia Cedarwood, Lemongrass, Clove, Peppermint), 

Plant-Based Dipropylene Glycol

* A lime green ribbon is a symbol of Lyme disease awareness

* The all natural ingredients of Tick Proof meet the criteria for the EPA's minimum risk natural pesticide exemption.