Self-adhesive security decals for use on a window, door, wall or other smooth surface that feature a no trespassing warning in text and picture format with the words "MAXIMUM SECURITY – WE ARE FULLY PROTECTED – OCCUPANTS ARE ARMED + OUR DOGS HATE INTRUDERS + MOTION SENSING ALARM + SELF DEFENSE TRAINED + YOU ARE BEING RECORDED – PRIVATE PROPERTY – NO TRESPASSING – ATTEMPTING TO COMMIT ANY TYPE OF CRIME HERE WILL END BADLY FOR YOU" displayed across the face of the decal. These decals enhance the security of any home or business property by providing a visual alert to potential intruders that the occupant may be armed, there may be trained guard dogs patrolling the premises, there may be a motion activated alarm system in use, the occupants may be self defense trained (judo, karate, etc.) and a video camera may be recording them.

Security decals have been shown to provide a low-cost, effective deterrence to vandalism, theft and other criminal activity and should be part of any home or business security campaign. Be sure to check out our other listings! We have a huge variety of unique custom decals and other security related items.

FREE shipping, will be promptly shipped same day or next business day at the latest. 

Decal designs and imagery Copyright © 2022 SSP LLC and may not be copied, reproduced or used in any way without our express written consent.