Leverage SpeedArm Cricket Ball Thrower       

 About this item

  • SpeedArm is a practice tool that can be used by both Professional and Junior Cricketers. The SpeedArm can be used in full pitch and also half pitch. Due to its SHORT LENGTH, the sighting of the ball will be easier even when played from shorter distance. This product works better with New leather cricket balls.
  • It generates speeds upto 110kmph. Ideally suitable for u 16 players. The size of the SpeedArm is short ensuing a natural trajectory along with control and accuracy. The SpeedArm is a one stop batting solution at an affordable price. A shoulder friendly hand held tool for a coach, parent and cricketers of all the levels
  • The SpeedArm can be used in just 30 ft space for knocking practice.The SpeedArm can also be used in practice camp, back yard or any cricket playing surface
  • The SpeedArm produces a realistic bowling action while throwing due to its short length.
  • The product is non-returnable. It is not compatible for Tennis Ball. It's designed for professionals cricket practice.

    From the manufacturer

    SpeedArm Cricket Ball Thrower

    SpeedArm is a revolutionary practice tool used for cricket batting and fielding practice. A revolutionary cricket coaching aid, It is an extended arm that generates raw pace, swinging and seaming deliveries in a controlled manner. Hence one can deliver accurate deliveries with least effort to a batsman by using SpeedArm. The SpeedArm does not need a professional or an expert to use it. Any novice cricketer or a coach or a parent can use it.

    Designed for accuracy

    It is an extended arm that generates raw pace, swinging and seaming deliveries in a controlled manner, giving accurate deliveries. The finger like gripping and short handle with goose neck design ensures accuracy even for a first timer unlike other tools with large handles.

    Realistic bowling action

    The SpeedArm produces a realistic bowling action while throwing due to its short length. The trajectory produced by the SpeedArm is natural. Therefore the batsman need not struggle hard to sight the ball coming from an unnatural height.

    Less injury prone

    The SpeedArm is believed to less injury prone as the energy is transferred completely into the ball induced by the thrower. There is no side flex and hence it does not require a lot of practice before using it on players.

    One stop batting solution

    It generates speeds upto 110Kmph. Ideally Suitable for U 16 Players. The Speedarm can be used in just 30 ft space for knocking practice. The Speedarm can also be used in practice camp, backyards, or any cricket playing surface. The Speedarm is a one stop batting solution. A shoulder friendly hand held tool for a coach, parent and cricketers of all levels.

    Easy to use

    Speedarm is designed to allow beginner, novice and veteran cricketers the best practice available. It is very easy to use, and can be mastered by most cricketers within 5 or 10 minutes.