For sale is an WW2 British Translated German Book Titled, “The Elements of Aeronautics” which was published in 1941 By K.Schutt.

The preface states;

“THE appearance, at this particular time, of a book translated from the German may cause some surprise. We therefore wish to make it clear that all arrangements for its publication in England had been made before the outbreak of war, although its appearance has been delayed thereby. The German original was highly successful, and soon came to be regarded as one of the most useful works on elementary aeronautics that have been published in recent years. Here then is a serious book, addressed to the air cadet, the mechanic or apprentice who wants to understand the reasons underlying his daily work, the senior schoolboy, the parent or teacher who, knowing little of aeronautics, is baffled by the perpetual "Why?" of his young charges. Those who already know something of practical flying will find that this work summarizes and crystal- lizes their knowledge, while examination students can use it with advantage for reference. The book is undoubtedly useful, since it bridges the gap between advanced technical work for engineers and research workers and the haphazard miscellanies which are so frequently offered to the sporting flyer. We offer it confidently to the English public at this time, when everyone in the land has reasons for taking a keen interest in aeronautics.”

This makes a very interesting read.

This will be sent via Royal Mail 1st class signed for and dispatched within 2 working days. Please check my eBay for more great British wartime home front collectables! Also happy to do deals on multiple orders!