1991 The Buckley School annual with great photographs and text showing the students and faculty, activities and sports, candids, graphics, pictures of school and surrounding, and local advertisement. Seniors have full pages with individual photos and personal information. Great condition, wonderful photos and design.

Individually photographed graduating seniors include: kenneth applebaum, malcolm auchincloss, jeffrey bergan, kenneth eckart, benjamin federbush, james gordon, neil gray, robert miller, bradley mitchell, kenneth natori, richard relyea, philip richardson, charles rose, george wade, and alexander xethalis. Other students with full page representation include: cary aarons, sam baum, greg clark, nick garfinkle, matt klauer, constantine kontokosta, scott lollis, norman maclean, andrew miller, matthew moskey, renaud pelletier, and charles sherman.

Excellent condition hardback with tight binding and text and clean pages; with no must or mildew or missing pieces. Solid.

Great rarity giving a true historic look at Cate and its promising young women and men during the George Bush Red Hot Chili Peppers years . Just waiting for a good home.

Email or call for any details. Spanky's Archive, since 1986. 

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