كتاب Book
ِِArabic Islamic Book A Pilgrim in Mecca Hajj 📚 حاج فى مكه الحج

Book Description & Author Bio & Index:

Title: حاج فى مكة - آرثر ويفيل الضابط البريطانى الذى دخل مكة و المدينة متخفيا فى زى عربى عام 1908
A Pilgrim in Mecca - Arthur Wavell, the British officer who entered Mecca and Medina disguised as an Arab in 1908

Author: آرثر ويفيل
Arthur Wavell
ا.مى موافى
A. May Mowafi
Dr. Muhammad Azab
د.محمد عزب

Subjects: religious دينى

Topic: Historical تاريخ

Cover: Paperback

Book Papers: Creamy

Dimension: 24*17 CM / 9.4*6.7 inches

Number of Pages: 254 Pages

Number of Parts / Volumes:

Weight: 300 Gram / 0.66 lbs

Condition: Very Good جيد جدا

Publication Year: 2014


Era: 2000S


Special Attributes:

Publisher: ليليت للنشر و التوزيع

Language: Arabic

Region: Middle East الشرق الأوسط

Country/Region of Manufacture: EGYPT

Product:ISBN: 9789775311962

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