In 1956 Gregory Nunzio Corso went to San Francisco, where Ginsberg was residing, and the Beat movement was born at public readings in the bars and coffeehouses. Of all Corso’s poems, those in Gasoline (1958) are the most typical, using the rhythmic, incantatory style effective in spoken verse. In The Happy Birthday of Death (1960) he returned to an easier, conversational tone. Long Live Man (1962), Selected Poems (1962), The Mutation of the Spirit (1964), Elegiac Feelings American (1970), Herald of the Autochthonic Spirit (1981), and other books of poetry followed. In 1989 Corso published Mindfield, which included along with several of his best-known poems 23 not previously published. His poetry, often lyrical and aphoristic, is notable for its directness and for its startling imagery.