NEW (cover wear)

Until the Brown family arrived last year, it seemed like nothing ever changed in Everwood, a charming little town in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Now that Dr. Andrew "Andy" Brown has made the transition from a world-renowned neurosurgeon to a small-town clinician, he realizes that moving there was only the first step in reclaiming his family - bright 10-year-old Delia and troubled 16-year-old Ephram (Gregory Smith). Andy won't soon forget his promise to be a better father. 

Recurring guest stars this season include Marcia Cross as Dr. Linda Abbott; Sarah Lancaster as Madison Kellner, Delia's caretaker; Paul Wesley as Tommy Callahan, the town "bad boy" who understands Amy (Emily VanCamp); and James Earle Jones as miner Will Cleveland, a jazz pianist who has recently become Ephram's mentor. Dylan Walsh, Kristen Bell and J.K. Simmons also guest star