Diameter: 10 inches
Height: 4.5 inches
Weight: 1.8 Kg approx.
It include cushion, leather mallet/stick, and felt drumsticks. (accepted customize size design on 6-24" bowl).

A mandala carving singing bowl is a type of musical instrument that combines the therapeutic properties of singing bowls with the visual beauty of mandala art. Singing bowls are traditionally used in meditation, sound healing, and relaxation practices. They produce a rich and soothing sound when struck or played with a mallet.

A mandala is a geometric pattern that represents the universe in Hindu and Buddhist traditions. It symbolizes harmony, balance, and spiritual growth. Mandalas are often used as visual aids for meditation, as focusing on the intricate patterns can help calm the mind and promote a sense of inner peace.

A mandala carving singing bowl typically features a hand-carved mandala design on the outer surface of the bowl. These carvings are often intricate and detailed, showcasing the skilled craftsmanship of the artisans. The combination of the sound vibrations produced by the bowl and the visual stimulation of the mandala carving creates a holistic sensory experience.

People use mandala carving singing bowls for various purposes, including meditation, relaxation, stress relief, and spiritual practices. When played, the vibrations and resonance of the bowl can help induce a state of deep relaxation, reduce anxiety, and enhance overall well-being. The visual presence of the mandala design adds an aesthetic element and can aid in focusing the mind during meditation or mindfulness practices.

Mandala carving singing bowls are available in different sizes, materials, and designs. They are often made of metal, such as brass or bronze, and come with a mallet or striker for playing. Some bowls may also include a cushion or mat to support the bowl during use.

Benefit of Using Singing Bowl:
Meditation aid: Singing bowls are commonly used as a meditation tool, as their resonant tones help focus the mind, deepen concentration, and enhance mindfulness practices.

Emotional balance: The harmonic frequencies produced by singing bowls can harmonize and balance emotions, promoting emotional well-being and stability.

Improved sleep: The tranquil sound of singing bowls can help relax the mind and body, aiding in sleep induction and improving the quality of sleep.

Chakra balancing: Singing bowls are often used in energy healing practices to balance and align the body's chakras, which are energy centers associated with different aspects of well-being.

Pain relief: The vibrations and sound waves produced by singing bowls can help alleviate physical pain and discomfort, promoting natural pain relief.

Enhanced creativity: Listening to singing bowls or playing them can stimulate creativity and enhance the flow of inspiration.

Increased focus and clarity: The meditative qualities of singing bowls can improve mental focus, concentration, and clarity of thought.

Mind-body connection: Singing bowls can help strengthen the connection between the mind and body, fostering a greater awareness of the body's sensations and promoting overall well-being.

Enhanced self-awareness: Regular use of singing bowls can deepen self-awareness and promote introspection, facilitating personal growth and self-discovery.

Aura cleansing: The sound vibrations emitted by singing bowls can help clear and cleanse the auric field, promoting energetic balance and harmony.

Sound therapy: Singing bowls are commonly used in sound healing therapy, where the vibrations and frequencies are believed to restore balance and promote healing on a cellular level.

Improved immune function: It is believed that the vibrations generated by singing bowls can stimulate the immune system, supporting overall health and well-being.

Increased energy flow: Singing bowls can help unblock stagnant energy and promote the free flow of vital life force energy throughout the body, enhancing vitality and overall energy levels.

Harmonized brainwaves: The rhythmic and melodic tones of singing bowls can help synchronize brainwave patterns, inducing a state of deep relaxation and promoting mental clarity.

Stress hormone reduction: The calming effects of singing bowls can reduce the production of stress hormones like cortisol, leading to a greater sense of relaxation and well-being.

Enhanced focus during yoga practice: Singing bowls are often used in yoga classes to help center and ground practitioners, supporting focused attention and deepening the yoga experience.

Improved mood and emotional well-being: Singing bowls can uplift the mood, promote positive emotions, and create a sense of joy and tranquility.

Sacred space creation: The presence of singing bowls can help create a sacred and harmonious environment, whether it's for meditation, yoga, or any spiritual practice.

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