CHLORELLA, Natural Antibiotic, Immunostimulant Phytocomplex, 60 tab. Green-Visa™


MONECUA Number: 050539


MONECUA (Mineral Organic Natural Eco Cosmetics UA)

Shop of natural, organic, mineral ecological cosmetics and products of Ukrainian manufacturers.

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Natural Products Green-Visa™ series Natural Tablets from UKRAINE


The main advantage of Green-Visa™ products is the Natural basis.

The composition of Natural Tablets is balanced and includes extracts of environmentally friendly medicinal herbs and roots. All Natural Tablets provided by Green-Visa™ are Organic and Natural with Healing properties.


Natural Tablets "CHLORELLA" is a Dietary Supplement, Prophylactic and Healing remedy.

It is not a medicinal product.

Does not contain GMOs.


Source of chlorophyll, chlorellin, valuable amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Natural antibiotic and immunostimulator with high biological activity. Useful for athletes, vegetarians, residents of big cities, young mothers, the elderly.



Contains chlorellin - a substance with pronounced antibiotic properties. Chlorellin acts selectively only on pathogens of infectious diseases. The microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, friendly to our body, remains safe and sound, and even improves in quality and multiplies) This favorably distinguishes the natural antibiotic chlorellin from chemical preparations.

Good to take to fill the deficiency of fiber. The effect appears after about 2-4 weeks.

Chlorella is recommended for anemia. It, as it is the most powerful source of chlorophyll, which is very important for the body, since its molecule is identical in structure to hemoglobin.

This wonderful microalgae actively synthesizes valuable proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, fatty acids. After analyzing the composition of the chlorella cell, it turned out that half of the contents are proteins, a third are carbohydrates, a tenth is polyunsaturated fatty acids, and another tenth is minerals. Moreover, proteins are represented by forty types of amino acids, including all essential amino acids. A large number of fat-soluble vitamins - A, D, E and carotene. As well as the most important B vitamins and minerals.



Chlorella extract has the following beneficial properties:



Take one or two tablets three times a day, half an hour before meals.


Admission course:

The course of admission is 1-2 months, 2-3 times a year.



Naturex High Quality Chlorella Extract, 300 milligrams, Milk Sugar.​



Keep out of the reach of children. Store in a dry and dark place at a temperature of 0 to +20 С.


Shelf Life:

24 Months



Possible individual non-perception of natural ingredients.


Release form:

Plastic bottle, 60 tablets of 0.5 g.



Health complex from Green-Visa™, designed for three months:



Please note that the manufacturer plans to change the packaging design and logo in the near future. Therefore, the product you received may visually differ from the photo indicated in the listing, while the internal content of this product remains unchanged and corresponds to the description.


Released without a prescription.





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