Edc Bible : Edc Gear, at Your Fingertips, Paperback by Newport, Chas, ISBN 1540711544, ISBN-13 9781540711540, Like New Used, Free shipping in the US

If you can't access your bag you lose a big chunk of your EDC. The answer is all day carry (ADC):

Our solution is a Flexible Carry System:

Our system doesn't need any fancy equipment. We've analyzed and combined existing belt, pouch, keychain and clothing systems.

All NRTFM books come with Triple Jump Indexing. Three steps from the Table of Contents and you are on the topic you need. This is done with clicks/taps in the s and with page numbers in the printed versions. Our books also have Live Links to additional information on Wikipedia and other sites, plus rapid shopping from web-connected devices. Even our paperbacks have the links collected on a single page of our website and clearly marked in the text.

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