( All the logos designed are custom made)

 you will receive FLAT MINIMALIST LOGO DESIGN concepts of the high quality, I will personally craft and carefully plan concepts representing your company/product with great care and finesse. The price also includes UNLIMITED revisions. With high quality stock images graphics and imagery

What will you Receive?

* Multiple Unique Logo Concepts

* UNLIMITED revisions 

* FULLY editable files where colors and text can be updated if you want to

* 100% original vector logo, scale-able to any size without losing quality

* QUALITY service where attention to detail is unrivaled

* including .ai, .png, .pdf, .eps, .gif, .jpeg, .psd and fonts

* PROFESSIONAL customer service and communication at all times

I need following details to start

1-Texts want to be in the logo:

2-What exactly that you sell or promote?

3-Website (if have}

4-Your Target audience

5-Example of particular logo that you like (not necessary)

6-How are you planning on promoting your business?

7-Preferred Color theme?

8-your email address for submit the final designs

9- additional images about your business wants to promote!

****I will always try my best to give 101 percent to satisfy my clients. So don't hesitate to work with me.****

*PM me for my Venmo for payment transaction*

(Thanks for watching)