Tiger Eye Orgone Pyramid Tree of Life Peridot Orgonite Crystal Orgonite Pyramid Meditation Home Decoration

Materials:Tiger's Eye, Peridot, Resin
Perfect for Chakra work, Reiki healing, crystal grids, home office decor, gifts, and more!
Base Size: Approx.6cm(2.4 inches)
Package:1pc orgone pyramid with exquisite packing box.

A strongly protective stone, Obsidian forms a shield against negativity, providing a grounding cord from the base chakra to the center of the earth. It absorbs negative energy from the environments and blocks psychic attack and negative spiritual influences. Obsidian brings clarity to the mind and clears confusion.

The Obsidian crystal stone meaning reminds us that everyone has a good and bad side. Instead of hiding from our inner truth, Obsidian shines a light on the negativity and clears it away, helping us to choose the path leading towards light and love. The Obsidian definition is known for healing attributes that work very quickly and deeply to release negative energies.

How Does an Orgone Pyramids Work?

The powerful healing effects of the crystals are magnified in an Orgone Pyramid. When you add crystals and semi-precious gemstones to the mix, they are electrically charged by the resin, that contracts them. The organic materials absorb the vital energy, organic energy, while the non-organic components disperse it back in all directions.

Orgone pyramids are made of a mix of organic (resin) and non-organic materials (metal shavings) that have the property of moving the orgone energy back and forth and act as a cleansing of the stagnant, negative energies.

The dor deadly orgone Pyramids follow the exact proportions of the Great Pyramid of Giza from Egypt, that makes the device even more powerful due to the por positive orgone pyramid effect.

Benefits of Using positive orgone energy Pyramids:-

Orgone Pyramid (orgone generators) have the ability to clean the energies in the room and protect the individuals from the EMF radiation. When placed in work, living or sleeping spaces. Laboratory researches that when exposed to this resonance, living body cells strengthen up their immunity and reach optimal physical and psychological health, they have shown to have health benefits as well.