I This fineness meter is designed according to the standard coating inspection method issued by the Ministry of Chemical Industry, and the fineness meter measurement method GB1724-79. It can be used to inspect the fineness of particles such as pigments, fillers, and magazines in paints and paint pastes, expressed in micrometers

II specifications

1. Scraper size: 155 × fifty × twelve

2. Chute size: 13 × one hundred and twenty


QXD-25 slope 1:4000

QXD-50 slope 1:2000

QXD-100 slope 1:1000

QXD-150 slope 1.5:1000

(2) Scale value 5 microns

3. Scraper size: length 68 × forty × six

4. Precision:

(1) Flatness of the scraper surface 0.003mm

QXD-25 flat flatness 0.002 (within the scale range)

(2) Flatness of the bottom plane of the inclined groove 0.003mm

QXD-25 flat flatness 0.002 (within the range of the graduation line)

(3) Flatness of the two blade edges of the scraper 0.002mm

5. Finish:

(1) Scraper upper plane 10

(2) Bottom of inclined groove 8

(3) The smoothness of the two blades of the scraper is 8

III Usage:

When using, first clean the scraper and scraper with gasoline, dry them with cotton yarn, and then wipe them with deerskin. Dip a little Glass rod in the paint to be measured to be even (consistent with the consistency specified in the product standard) and drop it into the deepest part of the chute on the scraper. The amount of dripping should be enough to fill the chute. Then place the scraper transversely on the upper end of the scraper with the thumb index finger and middle finger of both hands, so that the edge of the scraper vertically contacts the surface of the scraper, and pull it from the deep part of the chute to the shallow part, And immediately (within 5 seconds) observe the scale line at the evenly exposed area of particles in the groove, which is the fineness of pigments and other particles in the paint

IV other

1. The surface of the scraper and the blade of the scraper should not be bumped

2. Wash and apply anti-corrosion oil after use

3. Regularly check the flatness of the scraper blade once a year and repair it if it does not meet the requirements

4. This instrument has a box with built-in scraper, one scraper, and two scrapers

5. This instrument is suitable for room temperature of 22 ± 1 ℃ and relative humidity of 70% to ensure accuracy