The greatest of Tzeentch’s daemons, the Lords of Change shimmer with raw magic. With a flick of its claw, a Lord of Change can hurl foes into nightmares, or blast enemies with the wyrdfires of Tzeentch. Such canny creatures can steal opponents’ spells for their own use, or send mutating rays from their rod of sorcery to destroy entire enemy formations.

Kairos Fateweaver can see the past and the future, and uses this ability to twist destiny to suit his own malevolent purposes. This twin-headed terror is a master of magic, able to transform foes into tentacle-ridden Chaos Spawn, or incinerate them with multicoloured blasts of fire. He is the Oracle of Tzeentch, and wherever he goes, change is sure to follow.

BASES-- When you place a order please send us a message choosing which base style you want the models mounted on.. The available styles are shown in the pictures 

1. Valhallan blizzard 2. snow tundra 3. Astrogranite debris 

4. Agrellan Earth/sand 5. sand 6. Agrellan Earth 

7.Stirland Battlemire 8. Martian Ironearth 9.forest deathworld