Girl’s DIY Beginners Haircutting Kit Tools Cutting Hair at Home Haircut (Awarded ‘Best-Seller’ Book and DVD series in its category), sold directly from the author, Laurie Punches, (with exclusive FAQ's), is our most popular book in the series. It is a simple, DIY, instructional, educational guide for the beginner 

How to Simply Cut Children’s Hair Book (Awarded ‘Best-Seller’ Book and DVD series in its category), sold directly from the author, Laurie Punches, (with exclusive FAQ's), is a simple, DIY, instructional, educational guide for the beginner, making haircutting so easy, that even if you have no knowledge or experience cutting hair, creating your child’s desired haircuts will seem so practical and feel so natural, you’ll wonder why you waited this long to get started. This step-by-step guide teaches from start to finish, the ‘six basic haircuts’ and how they can be combined and altered to create just about any hairstyle imaginable! It can can be used for all types of hair; long, short, straight, curly, thick, thin, fine or coarse. Haircutting for boys, girls is identical, the only variables being lengths and angles. It also teaches quick, easy techniques for perming, body waving and highlighting children’s hair. How to Simply Cut Children’s Hair was designed to create a desirable alternative to making a trip to the Barber Shop or Hair Salon at a fraction of the cost. Fashions, trends and styles may change, but the basics of haircutting taught in this book will always remain the same.

Professional haircutting scissors: 6.5” hardened, stainless steel with off-set handles and molded finger-tang for precision cutting, trimming and shaping hair. 

Professional thinning shears: 6.5” hardened, black plated, hand polished stainless steel thinning shears with off-set handle and molded finger-tang for thinning, texturizing, shaping, softening edges, removing excess weight and adding height to hair. 

Haircutting cape: Black, water-resistant, haircut cape with adjustable neck size for cutting hair. 

Professional neck duster brush: Black and white plastic handle, nylon bristle, neck brush for removal of unwanted hair. 

2 Professional Combs marked in inches: 7” All-purpose, black plastic haircutting comb, marked in inches for precise measuring and perfecting haircuts. 

5 Butterfly clamps: Large, black plastic, butterfly hair clamps to clip up large sections of hair for managing haircut. 

2 Duckbill clips: 3.5”metal, duckbill or alligator clips to secure small sections of hair for controlled haircutting. 

Spray bottle: 4 oz., clear plastic, barber and salon mister for easier and more manageable haircutting. 

Clear vinyl tote bag: 11 x 2 x 7 inch, transparent, waterproof, vinyl bag with black zipper at the top for portable storage of haircutting tools.

2 black nylon storage bags for protection and ease of storage for the kit and clamps & clips.

*Left-handed scissors/ thinning shear set ‘option’ by contacting seller immediately after placing order and before being packaged and shipped ... giving name of buyer and request for 'Left-handed' scissors.

Clear vinyl tote bag: 11 x 2 x 7 inch, transparent, waterproof, vinyl bag with black zipper at the top for portable storage of haircutting tools.

2 black nylon storage bags for protection and ease of storage for the kit and clamps & clips.

*Left-handed scissors/ thinning shear set ‘option’ ... by contacting seller immediately (within an hour) after ordering and requesting (with name on order) a 'Left-handed' scissor set.