Botanical Name : Myristica fragrans Houtt.

Mace is the aril (the bright red, lacy covering) of the nutmeg seed shell. The mace is removed from the shell and its broken parts are known as blades. It is sweet and fragrant, similar to nutmeg, but stronger. Its Flavor is warm, sharp and aromatic, more intense and slightly sweeter than nutmeg. As mace dries, it turns more orange in color. High quality spice retains this orange color, although some varieties are also creamy or brown. Dried mace pieces are not easy to crush. Ready-ground mace is easier to use, but will deteriorate much more quickly. Whole mace pieces can be steeped in liquid and then the liquid can be used, or the mace pieces can be removed after cooking. One ‘blade’ is strong enough to flavor a meal of four to six portions.

Mace works especially well with milk dishes like custards and cream sauces. It contributes to flavoring light-coloured cakes and pastries, especially donuts. It can enhance clear and creamed soups and casseroles, chicken pies and sauces. Adding some to mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes creates a more interesting side dish. Some beverages improve with a little mace, especially chocolate drinks and tropical punches. The versatile flavor can make mace a useful spice to have around, especially since many recipes call for it, Also mace is considered to have medicinal properties in ayurvedic medicine (traditional Sri Lankan medicine). 

History of Mace Spice

It is considered that mace originated from Banda, the biggest of the Molucca Spice Islands in Indonesia. There are actually accounts of Roman author Pliny mentioning two flavors of mace around first century AD. It is stated that Emperor Henry VI smoked the streets of Rome along with mace before his coronation. Round the 6th century, Arabs brought mace to Constantinople. Mace or nutmeg became the matter of massacre as well as enslavement of the inhabitants of the island of Banda, once the Dutch engaged in a bloody war to manage the production of mace within the East Indies. The control of mace manufacturing remained under Dutch till World War II. The famous Frenchman Pierre Poivre brought mace seedlings to Mauritius exactly where they flourished, ultimately ending the Dutch monopoly of the spice. Later on, the British East India Company carried the nutmeg tree to Penang, Singapore, India, Sri Lanka, West Indies and Grenada. Today, Indonesia and Grenada are definitely the top producers as well as exporters of mace, accompanied by India, Malaysia, and Sri Lanka.

The Uses of Mace

The taste of Mace is extremely subtle and therefore it ought to be utilized rapidly to make sure optimum flavour as well as aroma. Whole dried as well as ground Mace is instantly obtainable in cooking supply stores. Both ought to be kept in a cool dry place strictly staying away from the moisture. In case your Mace has gone stagnant from prolonged storage, gently toast it to refresh it just before use. Both ground Mace and blades ought to be kept in air-tight containers in the cool dry place. Any kind of connection with moisture will certainly damage the tastes of the spice.

Just like nutmeg, Mace is utilized like a flavoring agent within jams, pastries, cakes and Indian sweets.

It is additionally utilized in numerous savory delicacies which includes curries, white sauce, stews, lasagna, ragouts, meats, sauces, ketchup, pickling and also Worcestershire sauce.

Mace can be used as a substitute to nutmeg in a variety of recipes. It is a bit sweeter as well as milder, however its taste has got striking similarity along with nutmeg.

Mace may be used instead of nutmeg, as occasionally dark coloured flecks of nutmeg may possibly spoil the look of particular dishes.

Ground Mace could be replaced in clear broths, light coloured sauces, omelets as well as mashed potatoes to include color.

To release essential oils, aroma as well as taste, whole Mace ought to be crushed or even ground. Ideally it ought to be added at the start of the cooking process since it allows its powerful flavor to come out totally.

Usually, both nutmeg and mace are utilized to flavor potato dishes, just like mashed potatoes,particularly in Europe.

These spices help boost the taste of numerous kinds of broths, soups, omelets, sauces, lasagna, and bakery products like biscuits, muffins, cakes, and breads.

They can be found in many processed meat products.

The Scottish utilize them to create haggis, a savory pudding.

In Asian cuisine, mace is definitely an invariable component of the spice blends which are freshly made to prepare royal rice dishes like "biryani " and "zalgo".

It is contained in the spice mixture which is included with Indian tea.

For its color and flavor, it is utilized in curries as well as pickles too.

It is utilized in sweet dishes just like pies, milk custards, puddings, and certain fruit dishes.

How to use Mace in cooking

Most cooks choose whole dried Mace referred to as blade. It allows them to grind their Mace as needed and preserve or even bring out the best possible flavor. Many recipes need Mace to be included at the conclusion of the cooking process as cooking tends to changes the flavors profile of a spice and may turn it into a bit bitter. However in baked foods as well as roast meats Mace ought to be included at the start together with the other elements.

Mace spice is the best within the culinary world. Here are some mace spice uses.

You could make sweets,puddings, muffins, cakes and various types of breads along with mace being one of the main ingredients.

It is additionally utilized whilst brewing milk tea or even masala milk, simply because it tastes just like pepper.

Try utilizing mace spice whilst making pickles, ketchups, curries and sauces.

Mace spice has often been utilized while making delicious mashed potatoes, broths, soups and rice preparations.

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