Sacred Texts of World Religions : "A Reference Guide", Paperback by Kisak, Paul F. (EDT), ISBN 1517111900, ISBN-13 9781517111908, Like New Used, Free shipping in the US

Religious texts, also known as scripture, scriptures, holy writ, or holy books are the texts which various religious traditions consider to be sacred, or central to their religious tradition. Many religions and spiritual movements believe that their sacred texts are divinely or supernaturally revealed or towards sacred texts differ widely between religions. Some religions make written texts widely and freely available, while others hold that sacred secrets must remain hidden from all but the loyal and the initiate. Most religions promulgate policies defining the limits of the sacred texts and controlling or forbidding changes and additions. Some religions view their sacred texts as the "Word of God," often contending that the texts are inspired by God and as such should never be altered. Translations of texts may receive official sanction, but an original sacred language often has defacto, absolute or exclusive book serves as a reference guide that lists the works that the corresponding religions are based upon and is designed to be a general overview of the topic and provide you with the structured knowledge to familiarize yourself with the topic at the most affordable price possible. The level of discussion is that of Wikipedia. The accuracy and knowledge is of an international viewpoint as the edited articles represent the inputs of many knowledgeable individuals and some of the most currently available general knowledge on the topic, based on the date of publication.