Essential Judge Dredd America, Paperback by Wagner, John; Ennis, Garth; Grant, Alan; Macneil, Colin (ILT); Higgins, John (ILT), ISBN 1781088608, ISBN-13 9781781088609, Like New Used, Free shipping in the US

<b>The first volume of <i>Essential Judge Dredd</i>, a curated line of graphic novels showcasing the very best storylines of all time and presented in a fresh new package.</b><br><br>In Mega-City One, the Judges are the law &#8211; acting as judge, jury, and executioner. But how do the citizens really feel about a system where they are powerless? America Jara and Bennett Beeny grow up as best friends, living a fairly trouble-free life in a dangerous city&#8230; bar the odd, negative encounter with a Judge. Time draws them apart, and when they are brought back together, Beeny is a successful singer and America has become involved with a terrorist organisation known as Total War, which has the Justice Department in its sights! <br><br>This dark and complex tale, considered to be one of the best stories to ever come out of the <i>Judge Dredd</i> universe, has been contextualised with contemporarily thematic stories with re-coloured art by Watchman&#8217;s John Higgins