East Naturhus Penis Male Enhancement Sexual Supplement Men Testosterone Booster

Place of origin: Changbai Mountains 
Whole deer penis: 60g/135g/180g
Each one has an independent encoding for checking.

Consult your doctor before taking it.

Applicable people:

Changbai mountain sika deer penis testes, sweet, salty, mild. Enter liver, kidney, bladder, mild does not hurt the body.


The natural nourishing,no dependence
One whole sika deer penis testes can soak about 10kg of grain liquor


Penis complete and full. The Whole sika deer penis must be separated from the testicles to remove the meat and grease.So it needs to be stitched together to keep the original penis and original testis
鹿鞭完整饱满. 因为需要去除残肉及油脂,鞭杆和睾丸必须分离。因此需要缝合在一起才能保证原鞭原睾丸

Vacuum packing, clean, hygienic
Each one is vacuum-packed. Sterilization sealed, clean and hygienic, longer storage time
每一根鹿鞭采用真空包装, 杀菌密封,干净卫生,保存时间更长

  • Pregnant women are forbidden to eat, because the deer whip has the role of blood circulation, so pregnant women eat, it is easy to cause abortion.
  • People with strong Yang should be careful to eat, everyone knows that deer penis is a kind of tonic, but, supplements are not disorderly eat, deer penis belongs to the product of aphrodisiac, people with strong Yang will eat Yang Sheng, and then cause Yin decline.
  • People who have a cold or high blood pressure should not eat.
  • Avoid eating cold food and medicine after eating deer penis.




  • Deer penis can nourish lean blood, nourish Yin and kidney, and enhance Yang.Deer penis can be very good to improve male sexual function and sexual desire, for some impotence, sperm deficiency and other infertility diseases will have a good therapeutic effect.For normal partners, deer penis also has a good prevention and mitigation of impotence effect.Regular use of deer penis can greatly reduce the incidence of premature ejaculation and sexual dysfunction.
  • 鹿鞭可以补精益血,滋阴补肾,壮阳。鹿鞭可以很好的提高男性的性功能及性欲,对于一些阳痿、精子活力不足等不育疾病都会有很好的治疗效果。对于正常的小伙伴来说,鹿鞭也有很好的预防和缓解阳痿的效果。经常服用鹿鞭,可以大大减少早泄和性功能障碍的发生。
  • Deer penis can also warm the palace and promote pregnancy.This is good news for some women who are too cold to have a baby.Deer penis, which is a warm medicine, can make your constitution better and allow the fertilized eggs to implant better.It can not only treat infertility, for some patients with irregular menstruation, also has the effect of regulating menstruation, deer penis can be a good relief of the symptoms of uterine cold.
  • 鹿鞭也可以暖宫、助孕。这对于一些因为宫寒而怀不上宝宝的女性来说,这无疑是个好消息。鹿鞭,是一种温性的药物,它可以使你的体质变得更好,让受精卵更好的着床。它不仅可以治疗不孕症,对于一些月经不调的病人来说,也有调经的作用,鹿鞭可以很好的缓解宫寒的症状。
  • Deer penis can also nourish blood circulation.Deer penis can not only improve the hematopoietic function of the human body, and increase the concentration of hemoglobin, it also has the role of blood circulation.For some patients with blood occlusion, as well as some hands, feet numbness, or even some cold hands and feet and other blood shortage symptoms, have a good prevention and relief effect.In addition, deer whip can also galactagogue, lack of milk is also a lack of blood, so postpartum milk can be used deer whip pot water to milk, so that the secretion of milk can rapidly increase.
  • 鹿鞭还可以补血活血。鹿鞭不仅仅可以提高人体的造血功能,并提高血红蛋白的浓度,它还有活血的作用。对于一些血脉不通的患者,以及一些手、足麻木的,甚至是一些有手脚冰冷等一派血气不足的寒凉之象的病证,都具有很好的预防和缓解的作用。除此之外,鹿鞭还可以催乳,乳汁不足也是血不足的一种,所以产后乳汁不足的可以用鹿鞭煲水来通乳,这样可以让乳汁的分泌量迅速增加。
How to eat it:
  • Duck pot with deer whip: duck, ginger 3, deer whip 4
Method: After washing, the duck is put into the soup pot with ginger and deer penis. Add proper amount of water and boil for 3 hours. Then you can eat it
  • Carp soup with deer penis: 4 grams of deer penis, about 1000g of carp
Method: the deer whip pieces, crucian carp wash, crucian carp pieces into boiling water for 5 minutes, then put in cold water.Then put all the ingredients into the stew cup, add some boiling water, simmer for 2-3 hours, then you can eat.
  • Deer penis tea: red ginseng, plain boiled water
Method: After washing the deer penis, soak it in 500ml boiled water at a temperature of more than 50 degrees.Soak for about 15 minutes.Take 10-25ml a day, can warm kidney, aphrodisiacal, strengthen waist and knee.
  • Deer penis liquor: a deer penis, liquor above 50 degrees 2.5-5kg
Method: wash a deer penis, add 2.5-5kG50 degree or above white wine, cut the deer penis into slices or whole, soak in the wine, add ginseng, wolfberry, deer antler slices, rock sugar, etc., soak for 30 days or so can be drunk, can be repeated two or three times.

  • 鹿鞭煲老鸭:鸭子一只,姜片3片,鹿鞭4片
  • 鹿鞭鲫鱼汤:鹿鞭片4克,鲫鱼约1000g
  • 鹿鞭茶:红参,白开水
  • 鹿鞭泡酒:鹿鞭一支,50度以上白酒2.5-5kg