1930 Inscribed Photo of Robert Browning the English Poet and Playwright, Written Note and Signed By Mrs. Thomas B. Stowell, Rare Piece

This is an incredible inscribed photo of Robert Browning because of the names and relations mentioned on the back of the photo, and this is a one-of-a-kind historical piece.

The back inscription reads, "Reprint of photograph from life of Robert Browning at age of 70: Browning gave the original to Professor Corson (written Coson), who gave it to me. Mrs. Thomas B. Stowell 2702 S. Hobart Boulevard Los Angeles. Reprint Made Mar 5, 1930." - The photo was inscribed in pencil with this information 93 years ago.

The reason this is such a rare and historical piece is because of the following:

1) *Robert Browning (7 May 1812 – 12 December 1889) was an English poet and playwright whose dramatic monologues put him high among Victorian poets. His works are still famous today.

2) *Mrs. Thomas B. Stowell was the translator from French to English for the book, "Robert Browning" by J. Milsand which was published by Los Angeles Browning Society in 1925. She also authored the book, "Robert Browning, the Poet Very Sure of God", and she was married to Dr. Thomas B. Stowell. She specialized in the studies of Robert Browning, and her first professor for those studies was Hiram Corson of Cornell University.

3) *Professor Hiram Corson was a writer, lecturer, and professor, and he held a position in the library of the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. (1849-1856). He was a close friend of Robert Browning.

The photo is 4 7/8" tall by 3 15/16" wide.

Are you a collector of rare and historical pieces? If so, you should consider this photo of Robert Browning with the written inscription and signature on the back. It would also make a great gift.

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