Pain and Swelling Dandelion and Calendula Salve herbal medicine natural remedies.

Relieve your sore muscles, arthritispain, and reduce swelling with this all-natural salve; made with Calendula, Dandelion,Turmeric, Clove, Frankincense, and Myrrh.   Calendulahelps to increase circulation in congested, stagnant lymph or any part of yourbody where there is stagnation. Dandelion oil has pain-relieving andanti-inflammatory properties for achy joints or sore muscles. Dandelion oil isgreat for those suffering from stiff joints or tired muscles. Turmeric hasshown promise for its ability to ease joint pain, stiffness, and inflammation. Cloveoil can benefit arthritis patients in several ways. Clove oil exhibitsanti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-microbial, analgesic, anxiolyticproperties and therefore it can be helpful in alleviating inflammation,swelling, pain, discomfort, etc. in the patients with arthritis. Frankincenseoil has been used for centuries to relieve joint pain and inflammation.  Present research confirms its benefits inarthritis due to its anti-inflammatory effect and antioxidant properties.  It also benefits in reducing the pain and itseffects are comparable to that of some painkillers. Myrrh oil containscompounds that interact with opioid receptors and tell your brain you’re not inpain. Myrrh also blocks the production of inflammatory chemicals that can leadto swelling and pain.  Rub salve ontoaffected areas.  2oz.  


*Thesestatements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  These products are not intended to diagnose,treat, cure, or prevent any disease.