Vensia Anti-Vitiligo Cream


Product Description

Vitiligo is a skin disorder that is caused by the destruction of pigment-producing cells in the skin called melanocytes. Damage to melanocytes causes a loss of pigment which further leads to white patches or spots to appear on the skin. This condition can have a significant impact on a person's self-esteem and quality of life. 


While there is no cure for vitiligo, various treatments including an anti-vitiligo cream can help to manage the condition and improve the overall appearance of the skin. Vensia Anti-vitiligo Cream is one such effective and safe skincare product specially formulated to help treat vitiligo. 


This natural cream is enriched with the goodness of organic plant-based extracts such as Tankan Amla, Multani Mitti, Ginkgo, Mustard, Neem extract, Leucotomas, and Green tea which helps in the production of melanin, thus reducing white patches on the skin. 


These ingredients also confer various other benefits such as moisturization, exfoliation, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties, making it a valuable product for people with vitiligo and leucoderma.


How does Vensia Anti-Vitiligo Cream work?

Vensia Anti-Vitiligo Cream is a safe and effective product formulated with science-backed and skin-friendly natural ingredients. These ingredients help to treat vitiligo by following mechanisms:


Key Benefits





  1. White patches on the skin
  2. Vitiligo 
  3. Leucoderma


Active Ingredients

Tankan Amla, Lobhan Pushpa, Gandhak, Pudina Phool, Multani Mitti, Suranjan, Dev Daru, Shudh Kuchala, Ginkgo, Mustard, Neem extract, Leucotomas, and Green tea 


Directions for use

  1. Clean the affected area with a gentle cleanser and warm water
  2. Apply a small amount of the cream to the affected areas 
  3. Gently massage the cream for a few minutes until it gets fully absorbed
  4. Repeat the application 3 times a day
  5. Be patient and consistent with the use of the cream to achieve the best results


Precautions for use

While using Vensia Anti-Vitiligo Cream, it is important to take some precautions that will ensure that you use the cream safely and effectively to manage your vitiligo. Here are some precautions you should follow while using anti-vitiligo cream: