Desperate Housewives 45 Disc DVD Complete Series - 1 2 3 4 5 6 - Sizzling Secrets Edition

In its first season, the show reveals the mystery of why Mary Alice took her own life and the quest by a mysterious "plumber" named Mike Delfino (James Denton) to find out the fate of his former lover, drug addict Dierdre. By the end of the season, the show resolves the mystery with the revelation that 15 years ago, when Mary Alice's name was Angela Forrest, she buys the heroin-addicted Dierdre's only son Dana, and then flees with her husband Todd (now Paol) to Fairview (the town Housewives is set in) to keep the child (now named Zach) from being taken away from them. When Dierdre finds them, Mary Alice refuses to give up the child. Upon being accused of being back on drugs, Dierdre hits Paul (Mary Alice's husband) and goes to get her son. Mary Alice, shocked, murders her, checks her arm for signs of drug use (she was not), and has her horrified husband dismember the body, put it in Zach's toychest, and bury it where the family is building a new pool in their backyard.

All this happens while a 4-year-old Zach is watching them from the staircase.....

BONUS FEATURES • Getting Desperate From Beginning To End-Step onto Wisteria Lane And Discover How A Desperate

Housewives Episode Gets Made - From Concept To Completion • Couples Commentary - Check out the personalities behind the characters of your favourite couples

• Deleted Scenes - Bloopers 

2010 US / Canada DVD Release