Ensure Max Protein nutrition shakes provide targeted nutrition to help you stay healthy, active, and energetic. Each delicious ready-to-drink shake has 30g of high-quality protein to help keep muscles strong and satisfy hunger. Ensure Max Protein also has 150 nutritious calories, plus 25 essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A and D, zinc, and antioxidants (vitamins C and E) to support immune health. From Ensure, the #1 doctor-recommended brand.† Enjoy our new flavors Creamy Peach & Cherry Cheesecake. This product is gluten-free and suitable for lactose intolerance.‡† Among doctors who recommend liquid nutritional products to their patients. ‡ Not for people with galactosemia. § In select stores. The SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) name is a service mark of the US Department of Agriculture. USDA does not endorse any goods, services, or enterprises.