Molecular Formula: KH2PO4

Vital Minerals PREMIUM Mono Potassium Phosphate supplied in a resealable / heat sealed doypack or plastic tub, packed in Ribble Valley UK.


Soluble salt which is used as a fertilizer and a fungicide. It is a source of phosphorus and potassium. It is also a buffering agent. When used in fertilizer mixtures with urea and ammonium phosphates, it minimizes escape of ammonia by keeping the pH at a relatively low level. Fertilizer grade MKP contains the equivalent of 52% P2O5 and 34% K2O, and is labeled 0-52-34.

Monopotassium Phosphate is also a critical source of nutrition for sugar-rich foods such as fruits who experience an increased sugar content leading to a fresh, ripe and delicious harvest.

Great for use in tropical aquarium to bring level of phosphate up
Best results are when fresh water aquarium has between 0,5-1.5mg/l