Back of box is dented in lower corner (see photos).

On the back of the box:
"In CNN The Game, you're a news correspondent who travels the world reporting on big events, high profile personalities and international happenings for CNN. You'll be issued a passport and will set off on a journey to many international cities. Along the way, you'll be asked challenging News & Information questions on subjects ranging from sports, fashion, and entertainment to politics, science, and world news. You could also be asked to give a CNN Live Report on a newsworthy person, place or event -- and your reporter's savvy could really pay off! Then again, a CNN Special Bulletin could change your fate by sending you on an unexpected assignment!

A combination of skill and luck sends correspondents off in an exciting race around the global game board. Be the first correspondent to reach your assigned cities and you'll be promoted to Bureau Chief and win the game!

Game contains:
Please message us with your concerns/offers/questions, we're happy to help if we can!