Salesmanship Volume 1 Principle and Practice American Institute VINTAGE 1921
Book is worn and may have been damp at some point, the cover is wavy.  It doesn't look like leather, but it also doesn't look like paperback.  Maybe it is just a really thin hardcover.  The cover has been creased.  Binding is broken and loose, but all pages are in tact. There is a child's scribble inside the front cover.  Page 269 / 270 has the upper corner missing down into the text, effecting the first four or five lines.  There also a scribble on page 271.  These scribbles are in magic marker.  There is also pencil markings on page 270 and page 271.  Pages are significantly yellowed from age.  Please be sure to look at all the photos prior to purchase.
Seller is a retiree working at home in Columbia, Missouri.  Items are shipped via the United States Postal Service the next business day after payment is received unless otherwise noted.  
Message seller with any questions, and as always, thanks for looking.