Devil in a Blue Dress

The bone-deep disillusionment of postwar film noir becomes a powerful vehicle to explore America’s racial injustices in Carl Franklin’s richly atmospheric Devil in a Blue Dress, an adaptation of the hard-boiled novel by Walter Mosley. Denzel Washington has charisma to burn as the jobless ex-GI Easy Rawlins, who sees a chance to make some quick cash when he’s recruited to find the missing lover (Jennifer Beals) of a wealthy mayoral candidate in late-1940s Los Angeles—only to find himself embroiled in murder, political intrigue, and a scandal that crosses the treacherous color lines of a segregated society. Featuring breakout work by Don Cheadle as Rawlins’s cheerfully trigger-happy sidekick, this stylish mystery both channels and subverts classic noir tropes as it exposes the bitter racial realities underlying the American dream.

Please note you need a region A player for these blu-rays and dvds. 4K discs are regionfree. The sound is presented in it's original language with optional english subtitles. National orders are shipped with DHL ident-check. International orders are shipped with UPS int. standard adult delivery. Shipping to packing stations is not possible. If you have any questions, concerns or critics don't hesitate to get in touch!