ANEWNICE Squirrel Pouches

Product Story:
The ANEWNICE Squirrel Pouches are designed to keep squirrels away from your gardens, plants, and bird feeders. These pouches are made with a unique blend of natural ingredients that emit scents which squirrels find unpleasant, effectively deterring them from entering your outdoor areas.

Product Function Detailed Explanation:
Each pouch contains active ingredients such as peppermint and garlic oil, known for their strong scents that repel squirrels. The specially formulated mixture creates a barrier that keeps squirrels away without causing harm to them or your plants. The scent acts as a natural deterrent, ensuring that your garden and bird feeders remain squirrel-free.

Specification Information and Usage Instructions:

- Package includes: 10 Pouches/Bag
- Peppermint: 7.8%
- Garlic oil: 18%
- Corn Cobs: 55%
- Wintergreen oil: 17.20%
- Cotton: 2.00%
- Total: 100%

Usage Instructions:
1. Place a pouch near the areas where squirrels are causing trouble, such as bird feeders or garden beds.
2. Ensure that the pouch is securely tied or hung using the attached string, making it easily visible for optimal effectiveness.
3. For best results, replace the pouches every few weeks or as needed, especially during rainy weather or when the scent starts to fade.

Additional Information:
- Please keep the pouches out of reach of children and pets.
- Although the pouches are made with natural ingredients, they are intended for outdoor use only.
- If irritation occurs, discontinue use and consult a physician.
- In case of accidental ingestion, seek medical attention immediately.
- To report any issues with this product, please click here.

With the ANEWNICE Squirrel Pouches, you can protect your garden and bird feeders from pesky squirrels in a safe and natural way. Say goodbye to squirrel-induced damage and enjoy a thriving outdoor space. Order your pouches today and witness the difference for yourself!