Daughters of Simone wedding dress -kemp

The name of the dress is Kemp. You can check online to see how it fits when wearing it .or check the link below https://www.google.com/search?q=daughters+of++simone+kemp&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjc6JTW0ej-AhWQmycCHZSNDboQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=daughters+of++simone+kemp&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzIGCAAQHhATOgQIIxAnOgYIABAIEB5Q8xRYjx9g9iFoAHAAeACAATaIAeoBkgEBNZgBAKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1nwAEB&sclient=img&ei=UHJaZFyQt57BD5SbttAL&bih=630&biw=1280#imgrc=s8bNAJU5kSN73M&imgdii=4YnaDi3saKh_wM it has never been used in a wedding, nor me. it is in 100% silk and it's very bohemian and elegant i bought this one online, because i was very obsessed with it ,and could not find it elsewhere. it was sold out piece. It arrived to me with defaults ,however it was complicated to return it to USA , that's why i listed it at this price instead 1900 euros retail price. the defaults i can find 1, the right armband lost its elastic, needs to get the band replaced 2, the stains under armpit because it was a sample and have been tried on i guess 3, some strands really not obvious on the train, this should not be a big problem because you will most likely hem it. 4. overall , it needs dry cleaning. the issues are all easy fixable . if you like this dress, you can give me an offer