DVD  +  VHS       Color       Running time approximately 45 minutes

Go where no sports Illustrated fan has gone before and take a no-holds-barred look at the making of the most famous magazine in the world with MTV'S UNCENSORED: SPORTS ILLUSTRATED SWIMSUIT ISSUE 2001. Though the final photos are always flawless, you'll be shocked to learn what really goes on behind the scenes. From violent storms and a deadly snake to unorthodox photography and good old-fashioned model rivalry, these closely-guarded secrets are finally revealed for the first time!!

Come join the world's top models in the hottest suits from the 2001 issue, shot in the most exotic locales on the globe, from the scorching sands of the Sahara to the cool beaches of the Bahamas.

So get ready for the ride of your life as we give you the scoop on the sexiest, most anticipated mag on the stands with MTV'S UNCENSORED: SPORTS ILLUSTRATED SWIMSUIT ISSUE 2001.

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