This is the preview trade Naughty (topless) variant of the "Barbie" style Miss Meow #6 cover as drawn by the legendary Shikarii.

Note, this is a pre-order and will be shipped to you promptly when I receive the book. They have not yet been printed but should be in hand by the end of September.

******The previous cover featured a likeness too similar to Ms. Robbie and had to be cancelled. Message from the distributor below:

  • Shikarii did such an amazing job on the “Doll” cover it caught the attention of Ms. Robbie herself! We were contacted and asked not to use the face in that image because they felt it was TOO spot on to Ms. Robbie. We have decided to respect her wishes.
  • Shikarii agreed to redo the face and, being a perfectionist, couldn’t get it to his liking, so to make the image up to the quality associated with his name, he REDREW THE WHOLE COVER!! The new image has the same theme, pose, look, and feel as the original except better (and slightly bigger in certain areas).

The book will grade at a minimum of 9.4, chances are it'll be 9.8

Please allow 6 to 8 weeks minimum to ship out