This tea cake is a signature raw green puer tea produced by the famous Kunming Tea Factory in 2000. It was pressed to be the "Iron Cake". The puer tea cake has been stored in great conditons for 23 years. Its tea aroma is presently strong and tea broth is smooth. You can feel its strong taste lasting in your mouth. Its age is the best time to taste the great quality now. 

This tea cake is an authentic product of Kunming Tea Factory,  NOT the cheap fake Kunming Puerh tea floating around in the market. It has been packed in double paper-packing in the storage. The inside one is original packing. The outside is additional packaging for protection. You can see the outside packing wears away naturally. The tea leaves are very ageing with beautiful colours and great conditions.

This tea cake weight appropriately 400g. Due to its great quality, its market price is high and keeps raising.