Included with this machine is The following;

The Bernina B 770 SE instruction manual.

The foot control.

The power cord.

The FHS. presser foot lifter. AKA The free hand system.

The slide on tray.

*The #42 Foot, known as the BSR or The Bernina stitch regulator.*

The Protective/carry Cover!

Embroidery module

small, medium, and large hoops with templates!

1 of the small spool caps.

1 of the medium spool caps.

1 large spool cap.

2 of the spool cushions.

1 pack of Bernina needles assorted.

4 larger Bernina 7 series bobbins.

The small Bernina screwdriver.

The Torx 20 angled screwdriver.

The lint brush.

* The Begita fear enter, Because mistakes happen:)

The Bernina stylist.

9mm and 0mm stitch plates

The Following Bernina Presser feet are also included:

# 97D Patchwork foot

# 1C Reverse Pattern foot

#1D Reverse Pattern foot

# 3A Buttonhole Foot completely automated.

# 4D Zipper foot.

# 20C Open Embroidery foot.

# 26 Embroidery foot.