Wooden Lamp Base Natural Table Light Bedside Desk Lounge Lighting Wood Cone LED

Item Description


Update your living space with the latest trends in lighting. Mixing quality materials and stylish designs, our range of products are perfect for adding a modern style to your home. This table lamp comes in a natural wooden finish and features a cone shaped base with an exposed bulb for ambient lighting. Perfect for adding a modern style to any room in your home.



Material: Wood
Finish: Natural
Cap Type: ES E27
Max Wattage: 40W
Bulb Supplied: No
Switch Type: Rocker
Switch Position: In-Line
IP Rating: IP20

Height: 150mm x Width: 100mm




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At ValueLights our commitment is as clear today as it was the day we opened our doors back in 2009, to become the go-to people for lighting - with an unbeatable range of lamps, lights, shades or bulbs - at unbeatable prices.

So, if you?re looking for great value lamps, lights, shades, or bulbs to brighten up your home, we?re working 100% flat out to make us your first choice.


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