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One of the most intriguing artifacts from ancient Sumerian cities in Iraq is the Sumerian King List, a historical record of Sumerian kings. It blends mythical and historical rulers, dating back 4,000 years. Various versions of this list have been discovered, including the Weld-Blundell prism in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. This prism is the most extensive and complete version, tracing rulers from antediluvian dynasties to the Isin Dynasty. It provides valuable insights into the history of Sumer and parallels with Genesis.

Sumer, the earliest known civilization, was located in southern Mesopotamia. It consisted of several city-states, each with its own deity and kingship institution. The Sumerian King List begins with the origin of kingship as a divine institution, featuring rulers with exceptionally long reigns. Some of these early rulers are mythical figures like Etana, Lugal-banda, and Gilgamesh, known for their heroic deeds.

WHD: 7x7x18.5 CM.