It’s the early 2000s: Two wars, logistics is a nightmare, airlift assets are operating at an all time high. TRANSCOM is working overtime, but AAFES is opening a small PX on every FOB. Quarters, dimes and nickels are heavy in money bags and generating a ULN to get the bags downrange isn’t feasible. Asking for exact cash isn’t business friendly so the retail brains in Texas implement the Pog system with a promise to accept them as payment or to redeem them as store credit back home. Get your hands on this small collection of 43 pieces of war money today!

43 assorted AAFES Pogs in various cent amounts ranging from 2005 to 2011:

2005- 1

2006- 1

2007- 2

2008- 2

2009- 2

2010- 10

2011- 25