Thuya Eyebrow Lift Kit (aka Brow Lamination) consists of three (3) main items:

Step 1 Thuya Permanent Gel (Processing times 10-15 minutes)
Permanent gel solution reacts by chemically softening the inner structure of the hair by breaking some of the cross links within and between the protein chains of the hair. The hair swells, stretches and softens.
Step 2 Neutralizer Cream (Processing times 10-15 minutes)
Neutralizer Cream is then applied to “set” the new shape of the hair by reinserting the cross linking bonds.
Step 3 Thuya Regenerating Cream
Regenerating cream seals the result from first and second steps. Naturally moisturizes the eyebrows. Vitamin E improves the hair structure and some of its internal characteristics. It nourishes, moisturizes the hair, as well as protects them from the harmful effects of the environment.

1-step - permanent gel.
2-step- neutralizer cream.
3-step- brows tinting (if tinting)
4-step-regenerating cream.
IF you do not tint the brows, the 3-step- will be regenerating cream.

 Processing times for Permanent Gel and Neutralizer cream are 10-15 minutes (In practice 7-15min) each depending on the thickness of the eyebrow hairs. 
IMPORTANT - If you used permanent get for example 10min, neutralizer MUST BE used for THE SAME TIME AMOUNT! 7min - 7min/ 9min-9min and etc.

Neutralizer and Regenerating creams will help neutralize any remaining alkalinity affecting your skin's optimal pH level after the Brow Lift procedure aka Brow Lamination.
IMPORTANT - Thuya regenerating cream needs to stay on for 24 hours. That means the Client can not wet the brows area!