Material: Brass
Height 3.5 cm.
Width 1 cm
Weight 10 grams

Amulet Amulet Standing and hugging each other, faith, charm, kindness. It is popular to bring as an offering to those who love each other. There are people in the family who love each other.
Carry it with you as a charm for yourself. Wherever you go, people will love you. There are only people calling for good luck and good fortune. Therefore it is considered a good thing. that has been popularly used since ancient times
It is believed that having Inn to worship will cause someone to be kind and loving. Having it in the house will make family members love each other. If we worship it with ourselves, it will make us look good and charming.

Genuine coins sent directly from Thailand.
Abundant with good fortune Things and money flowed in. This version of In is made from rare magical elements. 
It is another talisman. 
Genuine  sent directly from Thailand.